Saturday, 26 April 2008

Lord Cicerus arrives in the subsector

In the early part of M41, numerous requests for military assistance were detected from planets in the Vastrid subsector. The exact nature of the threat was unclear, but it was apparent that the Imperium risked severe tactical losses and an army was raised and ordered to the region, under the command of General Fillion. Astropathic replies were sent advising the inhabitants of the Vastrid subsector that help was on the way.

No acknowledgement of this message was received, and neither was any notification of the arrival of Fillion's army. This sparked the interest of the Ordo Hereticus, who considered the possibility that Fillion had fallen from the Emperor's path, and seized power in the region for himself. Inquisitor Lord Cicerus was dispatched to the region to investigate, and established a base of operations on the mining world Hogan's Fall. He quickly realised that in traveling to the subsector he had lost several centuries in the warp, and that during this time Fillion's troops had never arrived.

One week after Cicerus' arrival, several Imperial Navy ships were detected leaving the warp near Hogan's Fall. It quickly became apparent that these carried General Fillion and his troops, dispatched hundreds of years earlier but lost in the warp themselves until now.

Cicerus immediately commandeered these troops and added Fillion to his retinue. A more permanent base was established on Hogan's Fall, and further troops conscripted from the local mining population. Cicerus was determined to reclaim the worlds lost for centuries now that help had finally arrived, and so began the Ciceran Crusade.

Current forces in the Crusade include:
Inquistor Lord Cicerus's personal retinue
The Praetorian 24th Rifles
The Praetorian 25th Mechanised Infantry
The Praetorian 14th Dragoon Guards
The Cadian 1112th Armoured Regiment

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