Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Eldar Assault Librian Librian 7th Grenadiers on Aethor

The Librian 7th Grenadiers took up defensive positions around the only spaceport on the world, Aethra, near to the bulk of the major mining operations. It wasn't long before they were attacked by the Eldar, who still worried that the increased military presence on the world would wake the slumbering Necrons. The main assault occurred in the north with the Eldar Farseer guiding his troops through the many roughly constructed mining buildings of Aethra.

The Imperial troops were well dug in, and as soon as they saw the approaching Eldar called for reinforcements. A fierce fire fight soon developed with the Imperial Guard refusing to give ground. After several Eldar Walkers and four Imperial Sentinels exchanged fire, it looked like the Eldar would gain the upper hand, but just at that moment the Librian vehicles arrived.

First, a hellhound appeared on the Imperial right flank, incinerating howling banshees and Eldar Guardians. The Farseer leading the Eldar forces was seen to flee at this point, but the aliens continued to press home their attack. Meanwhile on the left flank a Leman Russ, crewed by a crack team of veterans transferred from the Melberg campaign, appeared on the scene.

The effect was immediate as two Wave Serpents were expertly shot out of the sky by some excellent marksmanship. After this disaster the Eldar attack became more uncoordinated as the passengers within the troop transports tried in vain to close with their enemy. The Dire Avengers were cut down by massed lasgun fire and Hellhound flamer fire.

Too late the aliens realised the power of the flame tank and managed to knock one out with their vibro-cannons, but the battle was lost. The Eldar retreated and the Imperium took stock. It had been a disastrous raid by the Eldar who looked to their Farseer to provide an explanation...

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