Friday, 6 June 2008

Eldar aid on Eris cannot stop Chaos

Meanwhile on the world of Eris the ruling monarch was aggrieved to find out his realm had been invaded by foul Chaos marines, presumably from the Chaos world of Parthenope. Several thousand cultists and marines had landed,raiding and sacking the villages closest to the northern ring mountains where the incursion happened.

Lacking any form of PDF or space fairing capability, the citizens of the peaceful and backward planet prayed to the Emperor for deliverance, but their call was answered buy the mysterious Eldar, rather than the soldiers of the Imperium.

A force of the xenos landed on the planet, briefly informing the King of their presence and warning the local populace not to interfere. Then they set off for the equatorial deserts where the Chaos Marines, led by the Thousand Sons legion, had travelled.

The Eldar encountered the Chaos legion on the open plains near the deserts of central Eris. While the Eldar were determined and stoic, the Chaos forces were unyielding and purposeful in their advance. It was a test to see who would blink first. In the end, it was the Eldar, who withdrew after taking heavy casualties. The terror on Eris would continue.

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