Friday, 6 June 2008

Hemera declared Excommunicate Traitoris

On 2805.007M42 General Manstein’s task force arrived in the Hemera system after having received disturbing reports from traders visiting the Guild planet. Imperial Intelligence suggested that the ruler of the small manufacturing outpost was no longer in control and that other forces held sway on Hemera.

There was considerable evidence for this and as Manstein’s force approached the planet there were more disturbing signs; blasphemously shaped buildings, signs of Ork constructs and some very concerning energy readings. Manstein prepared to deploy.

Before the main deployment the Blood Ravens 4th company swiftly dropped onto the planet to make sure there was no threat from the 5,000 strong standing Imperial Guard army on Hemera. Manstein didn’t know whether they would welcome the marines or stand and fight. He hoped for the former, but as soon as the Blood Ravens entered the planetary atmosphere they were fired upon.

The space marines quickly deployed and attacked the Imperial Guard positions, but found them well defended. After an extended engagement lasting more than four hours it wasn’t clear whether the marines we remaking any headway, so they withdrew after destroying several communications pylons to the west of the main city.

Manstein then deployed his Librian 7th Grenadiers and approached the city led by their armoured columns. Messages had been sent forward to the capital Hemlar Primus to persuade the Govenor to return to the Imperial fold. The governor claimed the Marines fired first and he had no way of knowing they were loyal Marines since he had not been given any warning.When pressed on the Ork constructs and blasphemous designs on some areas of the planet the governor suddenly became silent.

Manstein’s forces halted outside the city while envoys were sent to the Imperial palace. As the Librians were digging in for a possible siege the full scale of the governor’s treachery became apparent.

The Orks attacked in a huge green wave, outnumbering the Imperial Guardsmen5-1, charging forward accompanied by huge lumbering vehicles and crude but fast war bikes. The Imperial soldiers held out bravely and called for their armour to be brought up, which happened with surprising speed. Hellhounds were soon blunting the Ork charge, burning hundreds of Orks with flaming gouts of promethium.

Still the Orks came, and in the north and east of the city the Imperial Guard units were pushed back, in some cases route d, while Captain Alex Duberov bravely tried to halt the Orks, fighting them with bolt pistol and power sword. Despite slaying two of the giant greenskins the Captain was no match for the Orks in combat and quickly became a casualty.

By the end of 0506.008M42 the battle had ended when the Orks retreated tothe city. The Imperial forces had been badly mauled but not broken by the sudden Ork attack, though more of Manstein’s forces would be needed to bring the planet of Hemera to heel. Recognising the system’s total abandonment of Imperial law, Hemera was officially declared Excommunicate Traitoris on 0606.008M42.

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