Wednesday 30 July 2008

Children of Steel make progress on Eris

On 1507.008M42 The Chaos army known as the Children of Steel made further gains on Eris, despite dogged resistance from Imperial Guard regiments,shipped in only weeks before to halt the progress of the traitor army. The Children of Steel had landed in the wake of the Thousand Sons and were making good progress having consolidated their landing area.

Imperial High Command was slow to act in the case of the invasion of the strategically unimportant planet of Eris, but it did send three Guard regiments to hold the line. The Children of Steel had been met on the fieldof battle before, on Cerberex, and the Imperium made the mistake of underestimating them. The Librians who faced them then were better equipped and, crucially, luckier than the forces defending Eris and the result was a shattering defeat finally ending on 3007.008M42. The Chaos forces now had control of one third of the planet’s settlements.

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